When sending a parcel to Italy, do customs charges apply?
We would like to remind all customers sending a parcel to Italy, that we have no control over charges that customer services of Italy wish to charge. If any charges are imposed on the parcel to Italy, the recipient will be contacted and charged by customs.
Another aspect to consider is that if you fail to pay for the parcel, then it will result in the parcel being held, returned or even destroyed. If we receive any duty or VAT charges billed to their account for these parcels will in turn be billed to you, the sender of the parcel to Italy, with a 10% admin charge added (minimum £10.00 VAT).
Any problems? If for some reason our system displays that your parcel is outside of our shipping criteria, we can provide a quote over the phone at 020 8310 1362.
We can send a parcel to anywhere in Italy regardless of the shape or size of the package. Whether you are sending a parcel to Naples, Rome, Milan or any other place in Italy, your parcel will be delivered.
When sending a parcel to Italy, if you fail to declare any contents or under declare the value, it may lead to the parcel being refused by Italian customs. Your parcel to Italy may then be held, returned or even destroyed.
Not when sending a parcel to Italy. In some rare case, packages which are deemed unaccompanied baggage and going to Australia and New Zealand may incur customs clearance charges of around $150.